Israeli army killing Palestinians

It is very sad to see Israeli army killing Palestinians with no mercy in Gaza. I was very depressed watching TV. It seems to me like there is no humanity among us anymore. Its a shame for those who are supporting Israel’s war and for those who think that Israeli blood is more valuable than of Palestinians. With media and support of many countries who think that it’s right of Israel to invade Palestine and kill innocent people the are doing the holocaust and there is no one to stop them. The ugliest thing is that media is converging it like Israel is spreading peace and harmony in the region. Its disgusting to see UNO security council ending up with no result to stop it.

Its good to see people from different religions and countries protesting against Israel. Israel is the only reason for which Jews are hated,seeing that Jews all over the world stood up and protested against Israel.

Israeli army is asking for military help from America. Aren’t they already more than enough than number of stones that a Palestinian carries?. And USA in reply said:

“After looking law and order situation in Israel we think it is there right to protect themselves against any terrorist attack and we are with the people of Israel in this hour of need”.


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