Assembly line balancing and group working

Assembly line balancing and group working: a heuristic procedure for workers' groups operating on the same product and workstation

In this paper, we examine an assembly line balancing problem that differs from the conventional one in the sense that there are multi-manned workstations, where workers' groups simultaneously perform different assembly works on the same product and workstation. This situation requires that the product is of sufficient size, as for example in the automotive industry, so that the workers do not block each other during the assembly work. The proposed approach here results in shorter physical line length and production space utilization improvement, because the same number of workers can be allocated to fewer workstations. Moreover, the total effectiveness of the assembly line, in terms of idle time and production output rate, remains the same. A heuristic assembly line balancing procedure is thus developed and illustrated. Finally, experimental results of a real-life automobile assembly plant case and well-known problems from the literature indicate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach in practice.

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