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Engineer is an annual technical symposium organized by NITK Surathkal. It has, over the past years, consistently attracted participants from all over the India.

The events at Engineer 2006 included paper presentation competitions, project presentations, Shrishti, where participants are required to apply engineering for the greater good of society, robotics events (Perfect Machine, Automata), Hacking contests, Programming contests, Design problems for various disciplines and a variety of workshops and seminars.[1] Guest speakers in the past have included Richard Stallman,Sam Pitroda, Dr. Devi Shetty, Sir Anthony James Leggett, Ankit Fadia and other personalities.[2]

The 2007 edition of Engineer was conducted on a larger scale and witnessed international participation with participation from the Gulf along with participants from major colleges across India. The online events drew programmers from universities in Europe, Americas and Asia. The robotics events were appreciated and well contested. The workshop conducted by Indian Underwater Robotics Society (IURS) was unique to Engineer. The 4-day event included video-conferences with Kevin Warwick, Ehud Shapiro, Nobel Laureate John C. Mather and Bjarne Stroustrup.

A key event at Engineer is the Panel discussion where eminent personalities bring forth their views on a relevant issue.[3]

Several corporations provide sponsorship and conduct workshops during the 3 day event. Previous sponsors and mentors included the GE,Indian Oil Corporation Limited, AMD, Tata Motors, the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Reliance industries, Dell, Ansys, Novell, McAfee, the Indian Space Research Organization, Thoughtworks and Biocon

The major sponsors for Engineer 2007 are Hindustan Construction Co Ltd. (main sponsor), Thermax, GE, Accenture, Microsoft, IBM, Intuit , MRPL, ICICI, Sun Microsystems, Perot Systems, Exeter, Infosys, nvidia.[4]


An engineer is a person who is professionally engaged in a field of engineering. Engineers are concerned with developing economical and safe solutions to practical problems, by applying mathematics and scientific knowledge while considering technical constraints.[1][2] As such, the work of engineers is the link between perceived needs of society and commercial applications. Some consider this profession to be the link between art and science.


  1. Selamat selamat selamat!
    Ana kapan ya?
    Segera ambil S2, lalu S3! Coz tarbiyah masih kekurangan pakar teknik.

  2. Kepada : Bpk. Danil Setiawan, ST. Selamat Boz, atas Wisuda S1 nya. Moga bermanfaat untuk umat dan dakwah makin mantab, untuk dunia akhirat. Maap kalo jawabnya telat. He...!!! Oh ya, kalo aku ngerjain SKRIPSI diabantu ya....!!!
    Afwan Katsir.

  3. Kepada : Bpk. Danil Setiawan, ST. Selamat Boz, atas Wisuda S1 nya. Moga bermanfaat untuk umat dan dakwah makin mantab, untuk dunia akhirat. Maap kalo jawabnya telat. He...!!! Oh ya, kalo aku ngerjain SKRIPSI diabantu ya....!!!
    Afwan Katsir.


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