New Line Balancing Charts available for UmtPlus®

Line Balancing has proven to be a great visual aid to further improve productivity. You can balance your work loads so that each operator or work station is meeting your set takt times. UmtPlus® now includes the most effective and easy to use Line Balancing Charts available within time study software. Data is automatically entered for each line that you insert. You can add up to 16 lines per chart and every line can include as many compatible studies as you want. This new feature is very easy to use and helpful to any time study analysis. See below an example of how the Line Balancing Chart looks in StatUmt.

Once you have selected the lines for your chart, you can easily set and move the takt time. You can also drag and drop work between stations to meet your takt time and later print a report of your movements. You can include or exclude any of the lines or elements at anytime. Details for each element are shown when you scroll over them and are color coded according to their activity type. Line balancing charts can be seen by category, summary by category or by global. For examples of printed Line Balancing Charts, click the attachment below.

This new Line Balancing Chart feature is available in Version 16.5 of UmtPlus®. To learn more about upgrading your software, contact us.


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Internet Summit 2009 in Surabaya

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